Dietary Restrictions in Japan

When travelling to Japan, we encourage you to try as much of the local cuisine as is possible.

When travelling to Japan, we encourage you to try as much of the local cuisine as is possible. Forget about the diet, and let yourself enjoy all that is on offer! Japanese cuisine is generally healthy. Please always advise when booking and when ordering any meal of any food allergies you might have or any dietary limitations that would prevent you from enjoying the full range of Japanese cuisine. It is most helpful to know precisely and in great detail what you can and can not eat due to your allergy so we can seek to provide the fullest range of possible options to you. Dietary limitations that are not notified at the time we make your arrangements can not be accommodated.

Some dietary limitations are poorly understood in Japan and can be very difficult to accommodate. In particular, vegan, strict vegetarian, and fully gluten free diets for celiacs are particularly difficult and may not be possible. We can happily request meals without meat, without poultry, and without fish. However, dashi, a stock made by straining dried fish flakes, is an ingredient in many dishes, including vegetable dishes. For guests seeking to avoid wheat in their diet, we can request meals without noodles, tempura, breaded items, bread, or fu – a food made of wheat gluten. However, soy sauce and miso are also key ingredients in many dishes and both contain gluten. Most inns will not be able to provide 100% gluten free meals. It is essential to advise any dietary limitations as soon as you book so we can be sure that the accommodations we reserve for you can handle any dietary limitations you have. There may be circumstances where no suitable accommodations in the area can offer gluten free meals.

For most of our itineraries, halal or kosher meals are not possible but we may be able to request the exclusion of certain food items. Please advise us at booking if you require any accommodation and we will be happy to see if these can be accommodated.

Guests with severe dietary limitations should travel with snacks they know they are able to eat to supplement any meals. We would also be happy to see if accommodations can be reserved without meals so you can make your own dining choices while in Japan. An accommodation or restaurant may refuse your reservation if they do not feel they can adequately service your request as they take great care in ensuring that their clients do not have any ill effects of their visit. Dietary limitations notified after arrival in Japan will likely not be accommodated.

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